NPI & Prototyping

NPI (New Product Introduction) prototyping serves as a pivotal stage in the journey from concept to large-scale production. During NPI, our team will work with you to optimize your design for manufacturing, quickly identifying any design weaknesses and work with you to test functionalities and integrate revisions.
NPI and prototyping

Our team is quick to integrate any improvements or design changes you may require to ensure that the final product meets quality standards and meets your expectations.

Once the prototype is validated, Mitacor Industries can once again be your partner in transitioning to large-scale production. With our expansive fleet of CNC machines, we are capable of scaling up manufacturing capabilities, establishing supply chains, and fine-tuning production workflows for efficiency.

Throughout the prototyping process as well as during the transition to production, we will implement strict quality control measures to maintain consistency and reliability across batches. We prioritize collaboration between our engineering, design, and production teams and our customer’s design team to guaranty a seamless transition and ensure that the product retains its integrity while meeting your volume requirements. Ultimately, by helping you achieve successful NPI prototyping, we lay the foundation for a smooth and efficient transition to large-scale production, facilitating your journey from idea to market-ready product with Mitacor Industries as your trusted partner.


Ask our specialists

Let’s discuss how we can assist with your precision machining projects, facilitate new product introduction, optimize your designs for manufacturing and ultimately provide comprehensive manufacturing solutions.